LED Power Driver ATS Model 8491

Key Features

  • For LED Power Driver testing
  • Capable to test Multi-UUT/Multi-output concurrently that improve productivity
  • Provide optimized standard test items for the Unit Under Test (LED Power Driver) to deliver excellent test performance
  • Open architecture software
    • Expandable hardware support
    • Support instrument with GPIB/RS-232/RS-485/I²C interface
    • User editable test library
    • User editable test programs
    • User editable reports
    • Statistical report
    • On-line Softpanel
    • User authority control
    • Release control
    • Activity log
    • Support bar code reader
  • Windows 7/10 or higher environment

News: EPISTAR Corp. adopts Chroma’s LED Power Driver ATS Solution


The Chroma 8491 ATS is equipped with optimized standard test items for LED driver testing (lighting). The user is only required to define the test conditions and specifications for the standard test items to perform the test.

The optimized test items cover 6 types of power supply test requirements. OUTPUT PERFORMANCES verifie the output characteristics of the UUT. INPUT CHARACTERISTICS check the UUT input parameters. REGULATIONS test the stability of UUT under varying line-in and loading changes. TIMING & TRANSIENT test the timing and transient states during protection. PROTECTION TESTS trigger and test the protection circuit, the SPECIAL TESTS provide means to test the most sophisticated UUT’s when unique test routines are needed.

Output Performances

  1. Output voltage
  2. Output current
  3. Ripple Current (RMS & p-p)
  4. Dimming Current
  5. Dimming Frenquency
  6. Dimming Duty
  7. Efficiency
  8. In-test adjustment
  9. Turn On Overshoot Current

Input Characteristics

  1. Input Inrush Current
  2. Input RMS Current
  3. Input Peak Current
  4. Input Power
  5. Current Harmonics
  6. Input Power Factor
  7. Input Voltage Ramp
  8. Input Freq.Ramp
  9. AC Cycle Drop Out
  10. PLD Simulation

Regulation Tests

  1. Current Regulation
  2. Voltage Regulation
  3. Total Regulation

Timing & Transient

  1. Turn ON Time
  2. Hold Up Time
  3. Rise Time
  4. Fall Time

Protection Tests

  1. Short Circuit
  2. OV Protection
  3. OL Protection
  4. OP Protection

Special Tests

  1. GPIB Read/Write
  2. RS232 Read/Write

*If UUT is constant voltage output

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