Semiconductor manufacturing is a fast moving industry; more and more devices are highly integrated with various functions. Capital equipment must be built to outlive several device generations and applications. With varieties of available options, such as AD/DA converter test, ALPG for memory test, high voltage PE, multiple scan chain test, VI45 & PVI100 analog test options and HDADDA mixed-signal test options, Chroma 3650-EX
can provide a wide coverage for customer to test different kind of devices with flexible configurations.
Moreover, Chroma 3650-EX platform architecture allows development of focused instruments by third-party suppliers that can be easily added for specific applications. It can stretch the boundaries of test by covering a broader range of devices than ever before possible in a low-cost production test system.
3650-EX achieves lower test cost not only by reducing the cost of tester system but also by testing more devices faster with higher parallel test capability. With Chroma PINF IC and the sophisticated calibration system, 3650-EX has the excellent overall timing accuracy better than other low cost ATE. With the any-pin-to-any-site mapping design, 3650-EX provides up to 512 sites high throughput parallel testing capabilities to enlarge the mass production performance with more flexible and easy layout.