Ohm Labs

Ohm-Labs manufactures Resistance Standards, Precision Current Shunts, High Voltage Dividers, wire-wound Resistors, and Instruments based on resistance. We offer accredited Calibration to these products, both by Ohm-Labs and by other manufacturers.
1985: Jay Klevens (president of Ohm-Labs) founded Process Instruments, Inc. specializing in calibration and support of Leeds & Northrup products.
1994: Leeds & Northrup closes factory in Pennsylvania; Process Instruments acquires resistance wire, fixtures and related test equipment for resistor manufacture.
1996: Honeywell acquires Leeds & Northrup; Honeywell contracts with Process Instruments to provide calibration and repair support forl L&N resistor products when L&N calibration lab is closed.
2001: Process Instruments acquires materials, fixtures and related test equipment to manufacture and support Julie Research Labs products on the retirement of Loebe Julie.
2006: Ohm-Labs is spun off from Process Instruments to focus exclusively on resistor products.
2010: Ohm-Labs acquires materials, fixtures and related test equipment for resistor and shunt manufacture from Electrical Instrument Service / Sensitive Research on the retirement of the principals of EIS.
Through a process of continuous improvement, and through consultation with leading researchers at national measurement institutes, Ohm-Labs builds on the best features of legacy L&N, JRL and EIS products, implementing improvements and refinements to provide state of the art resistance products.
Ohm-Labs products are made in the USA.
“Excellence in Resistance” is our mission.